
Focus on Gusen and the date of liberation (5th May)


The focus of this year’s programme at the Mauthausen concentration camp memorial commemorating the liberation of the former Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camps by the US Army on 5th May 1945 will be entirely on Gusen.

Focus on Gusen and the date of liberation (5th May)

Gusen Concentration Camp was established in December 1939 and was built by prisoners of Mauthausen Concentration Camp. By the time it was liberated in May 1945, 71,000 prisoners from nearly 30 nations had been imprisoned there. Over half did not survive imprisonment in the camp.

Significant structural remains of the Gusen concentration camp, including the roll call area, the rock crusher and two SS administration buildings, are located on the plots of land acquired by the Federal Government. These areas which once formed part of the Gusen camp will be opened to the public for the first time in May:


  • Christian Dürr, Robert Vorberg, Bernhard Mühleder and Teres Stockinger (all employees of the Mauthausen Memorial) will offer free, two-hour tours of the newly-acquired plots on 13th, 14th and 15th May. The experts will give an insight into the history of the site and an overview of the planned expansion. The meeting point is at the Gusen Memorial (Georgestraße 6, 4222 Langenstein). Registration required, contact: oder 07238/2269-10
  • For anyone interested in learning more about Gusen – both then and now – we recommend our Virtual Guide and the Gusen Audio Path (Audioweg Gusen). While there are significant structural remains of Mauthausen concentration camp, the former Gusen satellite camp has largely been built over by a housing estate. The original dimensions of Gusen concentration camp are therefore difficult to discern for those interested today. With the new app, visitors can explore the site on their own:
  • The GUSEN AUDIO PATH is an art project which provides information and reflections on the former Gusen I and Gusen II concentration camp complexes.

To register and for more information on all activities at the Gusen and Mauthausen memorials, | Phone: 07238/2269-10